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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blog Of The Week

Alright. So you've seen bu (big ups) a few times on this blog to a guy named Marko. Who is he and why is he the Blog of the Week? Well, Mark Oestreicher is a long time friend and mentor. He became the Jr. High pastor at the church that I attended in Omaha, NE when I was in high school. I was a young volunteer who would hang out at his apartment with he and his wife and listen to tunes, ride in his Jeep, and talk about who knows what. I later became his intern in Santa Ana, CA when I was a junior in college. Over the years it's been wild to watch Marko grow as a pastor, husband/dad, leader (president of youth specialties) and man of God. Marko has inspired me to be more creative, administrative, techy, and teachable. For that, I am forever grateful.

And so I was pumped when I found out that he blogged a couple years back. His blog is one of the first I visit in the day. It's full of humor, critique, reviews and encouragement for all people, but especially for those near and dear his and my heart - youth workers (esp. middle school youth workers). Some of my favorite ysmarko posts have to do with books (he devours them), middle school students, and Jesus junk.

Marko is an amazing leader, thoughtful follower of Christ, ruthless name dropper, and good friend. It has been my joy to know he and his wife over the years. I am thankful for technology that allows me to tap into his insight over the miles and over the net. I would not be the man I am today without his influence. Thanks, Goober!

Visit ysmarko here.

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