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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ghost Like Swayze

OK, so I'm not the biggest rap music fan, but I do like and laugh at the parody stuff that SNL usually produces. Here is one of their all time greats - The Chronic of Narnia. I hope you laugh as hard as I do when you watch it. It's crazy delicious!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Life of a Salesman

Well, here I go again: new career path. It's wierd to think, write, and share with others. Sometimes I feel guilty, sometimes hopeful, but most of the time it just feels wierd. But man o' man, what a gracious gift by God, my friend, and Costco to give this man who has basically loved God and others professionally for the past 12 years a chance to sell and market their company to the greater NE Indy area. That just gave me the shivers. I hope they know what they are doing b/c I sure don't! AAAHHH!!! All in all though, it's going to be a crazy ride as I learn what it takes to push a product to people and draw people to join the Costco experience. I've got tons to learn, people to meet, roads to travel and doors to knock on in order to get the word out about this very cool company and store.

Besides the focus to do all for the glory of God in this marketplace experience, I continue to seek God and put the feelers out about ministry. I've just stated chatting with a church from the midwest about the opportunity they have for student ministry pastor for jr. high and high school. Here is the new struggle I have nowadays with this interviewing process. I may have shared this before, but I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride from hell emotionally and spiritually. One minute I'm thinking and feeling like the little engine going up the mountain: I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. Then somewhere on the climb I think and feel: No I can't. No I can't. No I can't. Nuts. So I'm trying to pray and process through this "manic" stage of healing, growth, and understanding.

The other thing I struggle with is putting on the "game face" for the church. I'm so tired of the dog and pony show I/we put on for each other to make ourselves look and sound better. Some of it comes from self-preservation, but much of it comes from insecurity and pride. And I'm tired of it...really tired. I know I could have this job in my own power if I just gave them the right song and dance to sell myself, but what the h-e-double hockey sticks for?

So I'm talking with this church and I lay it out there about me, why I left a pretty ideal ministry environment, and the struggles I have with myself right now. Probably too much, I know. But I just want to be honest. No games. No curve balls (halls! that one's for the Solin family). No surprise skeletons down the road. I may have to learn how to ease off the "authenticity"part and figure out how to ease into "full disclosure." That's alot like life and relationships.

But, in the midst of all that, I'm still surprised at how raw I feel on the inside. You learn in youth ministry that the messy games are some of the longest to play and clean up after and that's a litte bit (maybe alot) like life. I didn't think I would be feeling some of these deeper things and struggle with some of these issues this late into the game. I wonder when God is going to send the spiritual Goose Gossage to close out this game. Who knows. Maybe it's a little glimpse into the feelings and emotions that David share with me in Psalm 13 when he repeats the phrase "how long". But until then, I'll keep walking on, blogging away, and singing to the Lord for His love is unfailing and I know that He is good (all the time). Can't you hear it in my voice?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Am I Buggin' You?

I don't mean to bug ya, but whether you love his music or hate it...agree with his politics, faith, and/or message or not...I believe that you gotta respect a man like Bono and the message he is preaching to the Church, America, the U.N. and the world. He puts his money where his mouth is. His actions speak as loud if not louder than his words. He stands up for what he feels and knows is right. Passion and justice are fuels to his cause. I dig this guy. He truly is one of my heroes.

Click on the link and read the speech he gave at the National Day of Prayer breakfast on February 2, 2006.

Very cool. Very, very cool.

OK, Edge, play the blues!

p.s. Name the Song where the title of this post and it's last line come from? No cheating or wagering.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Farting Preacher

Does this ever get old? I don't think so! Click here for one of the funniest videos of all time!

Retail This

I'm diving into some deep water on Monday. I got the call today from Costco saying they want me to join their team in the marketing department. That is very cool and I am totally encouraged. But I'd be pretty inauthentic if I didn't share that I was a tad bit nervous, maybe even a little scared. Like I said this is some deep, uncharted water for me to be swimming in. The last time I thought about working in retail was when I was in high school and college and working my first job at, ironically, Pace Warehouse (owned by Kmart). So I go in as a total noob/newbie/rookie with a teachable spirit, humble and contagious attitude, and willingness to work hard. So with all that being said...I am excited about this. I pray that it is an amazing experience as long as God has me there, I choose to be there, and Costco employs me there.

But what the hey...I am totally thankful for another chance to get out there, learn something new, use my skillz/gifts/experiences to serve others and something bigger than myself, and along the way make some new friends and make a difference. And it goes without saying that it totally helps put Kelly at ease, puts food on the table, keeps a roof over our head, and pays some bills (does anybody else's gas bill suck?). You know me...something new always has the potential to be something meaningful and fun.

If you'd like to learn a little bit of the difference between Costo and Sam's Club read this article here. It's got some good mission, vision, and values stuff that will give you a glimpse into the Costco world.

So who's ready to sign up?!

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