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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Empty and Beautiful

I was recently introduced to this song writer/worship leader, Matt Maher, a few weeks ago watching the Catholic channel EWTN on tv. He wrote the song "Your Grace Is Enough" arranged and made popular by Chris Tomlin. So tonight on my way home from class I heard him being interviewed on K-Luv (national christian radio). I loved his heart and his spirit and his passion for Jesus. When I got home, I downloaded his album Empty and Beautiful. Whoa. Stirring. Reflective. Passionate. Out-freaking-standing.

As I listened to the songs, I came to the last and title track: "Empty and Beautful". This song, it's lyrics, and music is like rain on parched land for me. Water to a thirsty soul in me. In light of my issues of depression and self-doubt about who I am, what I'm good for and do I have what it takes to do anything God sets before me, these words were huge.

I don't know how your day has been, how this season has been, or what has stacked up in 2008. I know some of our stories. Lost job. Personal failure. Addiction. Parental questioning. Disease. Depression. Marital and relational doubt with God, spouse, and/or friends. And a hundred others that we bring to the table each and everyday.

Have you had the longing to hear words when times of struggle have given you fits and you've wondered in your emptiness if anything or anyone would be able to fill it with beauty? I know I did and do. Words like:

"You fought the fight in me
You chased me down and finished the race
I was blind but now I see
Jesus You kept the faith in me"

Whatever the case may be, maybe these words, this song be sweet for you as well.

Click here for a link to the lyrics. When the page pops up, just to the left of the lyrics is a box that says "Play This Song." It will take you to a another site where you can listen to the song for free. Play the song and follow the words.

My prayer for us today is that we would know and experience the love and grace of the One who strengthens, chases, and fights in us and for us so that our faith may grow and we might know God's glory.

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