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Friday, September 14, 2007

Rings Wedding Weekend

I'll be away from Dayton and Indy this weekend and in Peoria, IL, to marry my brother. Wait. That sounds bad. Let me put it this way, my brother-in-law, Donny, and I will be performing the wedding ceremony of my brother, Blane, and our future sister-in-law, Crystal Carr. It's going to be a really cool time to celebrate what God is grafting together: two lives, two souls, two families into one flesh with the power and grace of One God.

Can't wait to party with the fam. Matt and Toni, you will be missed! Can't wait to meet the new fam and party like it's 1999 with them! Good times will be had by all, especially Sarah. She is so excited about going to Uncle Boo's wedding. And she's really excited about staying in a hotel!

I was thinking about doing a live blog update (for friends and family that can't make it) during the wedding ceremony, but somehow I don't think Crystal would think that is very cool. Bummer.

It maybe a couple of days before I post again. Who knows. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

charlesdean2 said...

in Peoria???

You must call me! Let's have coffee!!

email me and I'll give you my phone number.

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