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Friday, February 13, 2009

The Room of Grace

My brother, Blane, forwarded on to me a very thoughtful and impactful talk a few weeks back. It's by a guy named John Lynch. I finally got around to listening to this 43 minutes message from the heart and for our hearts.

Click here to listen to the message.

This is the email that I sent my brother back after listening to these words


Thanks for sending. Maybe the one or two messages (not specific talks, but content) that never grows old. Never ever. So great to hear and so good to feel for my heart and soul. No doubt my past, country, culture, family, and personal experiences draws me to find safety and security in the room of good intentions and performance. Most everyday though I find that it's a hard, cold and empty room. Some days are enticing though and it's easy to enter in. I find that my only alternative is the love of God in Christ. Jesus. His room of grace, however scandalous it may be, is so refreshing and empowering for the life of faith that is both difficult and wonderful to live in. At least for me.

Thanks for thinking of and loving me by passing this along.

Your brother,


So if you have some time, grab a cup of coffee and a quiet spot and listen to these words of grace. And if you don't have time, maybe you could carve out some time and listen...for this may be just for you. It was for me. It is for me. And it will always be a word I need to hear.

TrueFaced/Leadership Catalyste website.

TrueFaced book on Amazon.

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