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Friday, October 05, 2007

But They Are Also Taking Notice Of Us

After the last post, I needed something to restore my hope in the church and God's people. I found it at one of my favorite (and more liberal) websites, BoingBoing. It was a bit unexpected to say the least. This is the title of the post that caught my eye: Revolution in Jesusland: building bridges between progressives and born agains.

Yes. It can be done. Despite all our faults, Jesus is on the move and people are thinking, tasting and seeing that the Lord is good. Here is the intro paragraph to the post:

Zack Exley, one of the smartest progressive online activists I know, has been maintaining a blog called "Revolution in Jesusland," about the evangelical resurgence, with an emphasis on bridging the gap between progressive activists and evangelicals. This is a laudable effort, and Zack's tackling it with wit, humility and a great deal of intelligence.

Read the rest of the post and then check out the website for Revolution in Jesusland. Good stuff.

Thank you, Father, for the millions of men and women out there that by their lives - heart, mind, soul, and action - are leading and drawing people to your son, Jesus. May my life be that kind of life. A life of intellect, meaning, and love. You are on the move - always and at all times. You are awesome!

(bu to BoingBoing)

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